Пт. Янв 17th, 2025

These are just outdated gender roles that have been constructed by society. We have to break these norms in order to enjoy our lives to the best possible extent. Even while it may seem that less and fewer young people are getting married, a significant proportion of them still have the intention of spending the rest of their life with the person they want to spend it with. However, as time went on, they also began to become more inventive in the ways in which they asked someone to marry them. your boyfriend. His name is reportedly Sukhmin Garcha, at least according to the Daily Mail.

Even while gender roles in society have been called into question in recent years, and there are no longer any preconceived notions about what is considered “masculine” or “feminine,” there are still certain communities that remain insular when it comes to this topic. Therefore, Sukhim, a teacher who is 27 years old, decided to debunk these cartoons by making her partner see her propose marriage on video. The only issue is that the video became so popular that it infuriated a lot of people. The majority of people made fun of her and laughed at her for being the one to take the initiative.

The majority of the testimonials that have been left for the lady originating from Vancouver, Canada, have been provided by other female internet users. Some individuals have been heard to make statements such as, “I’d rather vacuum the ocean than propose to a man,” or “She doesn’t respect herself.” “I wanted to hold off until the most appropriate moment. It did not result in any difficulties in one’s personal life. My boyfriend’s grin was as wide as it could possibly be. She said, “My mother was very proud.” It was fascinating to see how the men consented to the women’s proposal of marriage to them when the ladies requested the men to marry them. “We always want equality in our society, but there is always resistance because of cultural bias,” she added. “We are constantly working toward this goal.”