Вс. Окт 27th, 2024

A record-breaking large girl was born in one of the maternity hospitals 11 years ago. The weight of the infant was 7.7 kilos. What do you think?

Doctors assured her parents that she could have big health problems, but the girl’s mother believed in the best. And it was justified hope since she herself managed to come to the end of the pregnancy with a girl of such a weight.

The baby’s health was eventually restored to normal. Mom gave her the name Nadia, which means hope because the only thing that could be hoped for in this girl’s case was that everything would be fine and that she would not have any health problems during her life.

And Nadia appeared in a very large family, where in addition to her, 11 brothers and sisters were already growing up. The father of the family is a military man, and the mother is a midwife. And maybe it was her profession that helped her to give birth to the girl, despite the difficulties and fears of future possible problems. Now the girl is already 13 and she lives the ordinary life of a teenager. And if one doesn’t know this story and meets her it is never possible to guess what was the weight of the girl when she was born.