Вт. Фев 18th, 2025

lderly Dog Breaks Down In Tears From Joy When She Sees Her Best Friend Returning From The Army

Over the years we saw endless videos showing reunions among owners and their pets, but we can’t help but marvel at how wonderful they are. The emotional reunion between Golden Retriever and owner in this photo is no exception. It will definitely touch your heart and move you to tears.

Get your tissues ready, because this is truly heart-warming.

Buddy 13-year-old. The golden retriever has spent all his time on earth with his best friend Hannah Foraker. After celebrating her 21 birthday, Hannah joined the army and attended basic training in Oklahoma. Hannah’s heart ached when she said goodbye to her furry friend and her horse Derby. When Hannah returned home for Christmas after three months of basic training, she was so pleased to see Buddy again. Buddy could hardly contain his joy and excitement when he saw Hannah again.

Hannah and Buddy have been together since Buddy was a puppy. Although Buddy is now very old, suffering from arthritis and almost deaf, there is nothing to stop him from welcoming Hannah with open arms. The moment he sees Hannah after three months of separation, he buries his head in her lap and starts crying with happiness. Hannah is naturally touched and starts to caress her dear friend.