Ср. Янв 22nd, 2025

Dogs are amazing creatures, they are capable of many things that are beyond the control of humans.

Dogs can feel the smell even if the source is inside the human body. And because of this they sense when their owner is sick.

A caring American Akita sensed that something is wrong with her pregnant human, even when the doctors said otherwise

One dog proved love for its owner in an unusual way. She used her sixth sense to help the woman.

Keola is an American Akita dog that lives with its owners in England. The owner took good care of her pet and Keola was considered a member of the family.

Recently, Keola learned that her owner was pregnant. The dog was delighted, but could not get rid of the feeling that something was going wrong.

A caring American Akita sensed that something is wrong with her pregnant human, even when the doctors said otherwise

The woman began to suffer from lower back pain. She discussed severe back pain with her doctor, but the doctor said that these were the side effects of pregnancy.

She returned home believing that the pain was caused by the growing fetus. And even though she believed the doctor, Keola knew better.

The dog felt something inside its owner. The girl noticed that the animal was behaving strangely, but did not understand why.

A caring American Akita sensed that something is wrong with her pregnant human, even when the doctors said otherwise

“When the doctor sent me home and said that nothing serious was happening, the dog stared at me so that I was even frightened”, says Alana.

“I photographed Keola and posted her photo on a social media with a humorous caption about the film Hachiko, the story of a dog, where a dog does this too. But to my surprise, my friends began to advise me to take this situation more seriously”.

As time went on, the dog continued to worry. The owners realized that the animal wanted to say something.

A caring American Akita sensed that something is wrong with her pregnant human, even when the doctors said otherwise

“No one knew that I was seriously ill, no one knew, but Keola did. She pushed me and cried, but I just couldn’t understand why she was doing it”.

The woman took seriously the alarming signs of her pet. She again went to the hospital and on the same day was admitted to intensive care.

The doctors found that the woman was on the verge of dying. The kidneys of the expectant mother turned out to be severely affected by the infection. And the lower back ached due to the reflected pain.

What is even worse, the girl had a rare type of infection. If she had turned to doctors a little later, it would have been impossible to save the woman.

A caring American Akita sensed that something is wrong with her pregnant human, even when the doctors said otherwise

Thanks to her dog, she was able to survive and give birth to a healthy baby. The baby, who has a beautiful guardian angel named Keola!