Чт. Янв 23rd, 2025

Like many kids her age, 8-year-old Gaby Mann from Seattle loves to collect things.

Her personal “treasury” contains a yellow bead, a blue earring, a tiny light bulb, a paper clip, and many other “values”.

Eight-year-old leaves food for birds and they bring her beads and pendants in return

But unlike other kids her age, Gaby doesn’t collect her treasures herself. Crows bring them to her.

Yes, Gaby makes friends with birds, just like Cinderella or Snow White from Disney cartoons. And grateful birds regularly bring gifts to the girl.

It started quite by accident.

Gaby was just a toddler (just starting to walk).

Eight-year-old leaves food for birds and they bring her beads and pendants in return

During the walk, food often fell from her hands onto the path.

The crows noticed this, and as soon as the girl left the house, they gathered and watched closely to see if they could profit from something this time.

Over time, Gaby began to share her school lunch with the crows on her way to the school bus stop.

In response, the crows began to gather every morning at the girl’s house, cawing to greet her and accompany her to the stop.

Eight-year-old leaves food for birds and they bring her beads and pendants in return

And Gaby decided to do something nice for her friends.

She set up a feeder and drinker outside her house and filled it with fresh food (nuts, dog food, and lunch leftovers) and water every morning. After that, gifts from crows began to appear.

8-year-old Gaby’s treasures now include a blue paper clip, a Lego brick, a rusty bolt, a glittery heart pendant, and more.

Eight-year-old leaves food for birds and they bring her beads and pendants in return

Gaby carefully collects gifts and puts them in a special box.

The most valuable of them, she considers a pendant in the shape of a heart. The girl believes that with this gift the crows showed how much they love her.