The powerful birds of prey weigh between9 to 20 poundson average, and female eagles are always stockier than their male counterparts. The average weight of female Harpy eagles is from13 to 20 pounds, while that of males measures around9 to 12 pounds.
Image source: kingdomstv.com
However, it is not only the size that makes Harpy eagles special and striking. When you know how unique their appearance is, we are sure you’ll be impressed. The species is featured by a peculiar face and a collar of slate-black feathers in the upper part of their body. Their head is pale grey and is crowned with a double crest.
Image source: kingdomstv.com
If you still think that look isn’t fearsome enough, take a note of the bird’s talons. The rear talons are5 inchesin length, which is even bigger than a grizzly bear’s! These strong talons help them pick up small prey weighing up to 17 pounds. Harpy eagles are believed to have the largest and the most powerful talons in the bird kingdom.
Image source: kingdomstv.com
It’s natural to be astonished when someone sees a Harpy Eagle for the first time. In the past few days, people have been sharing on social media some majestic pictures of the world’s largest species of bird, and the comments are appreciative.
I thought this was fake… Harpy Eagle incredible bird!! How have I never seen this before!? pic.twitter.com/1JZoBRCazC
— Girl (@nonsuch_girl) September 30, 2019
Harpy Eagle, often known asPanama’s national bird, lives in tropical lowland rainforests around the world. Their favorite food includes monkeys, sloths, snakes, lizards, and tree porcupines. As silent and patient hunters, these birds can wait hours for their meals to move.
Image source: kingdomstv.com
With big long wings, they are able to fly at the speed of50 mph, and it’s no problem for them to swoop down and grab their food.
According toexperts, there are only less than50,000Harpy eagles in the wilds. They are at risk of losing their natural habitat as people continue to raze forests for agriculture and logging.
Image source: kingdomstv.com
More depressingly, farmers are hunting these birds because they consider them to be harmful to livestock. The species has been classified as ‘Near Threatened’ by theInternational Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN).