Ср. Сен 18th, 2024

An amazing couple of friends – the dog Dally and the miniature horse Spanky – an example of an extremely practical, strong union.

Rescue horse forms a special friendship with a dog that is obsessed with riding on her back

The horse, having settled on the ranch, refused to obey the trainers.

However, as it turned out, simply no one could find an approach to the peculiar nature of the animal.

Rescue horse forms a special friendship with a dog that is obsessed with riding on her back

After all, she willingly allows the dog Dally to ride on her.

The rancher, Francesca Carsen, trains horses for riders.

And in addition to the main activities, she shoots short videos about her favorite pets – the dog Dally and the miniature horse Spanky.

Rescue horse forms a special friendship with a dog that is obsessed with riding on her back

Francesca plans to make a whole film about the amazing interspecies friendship of animals.

In the meantime, she successfully maintains a page of her pets on Instagram, getting thousands of followers.

The animals have been friends for 8 years.

Rescue horse forms a special friendship with a dog that is obsessed with riding on her back

It all started, according to Carsen, with one particularly grueling workout.

She could not cope with an aggressive horse.

Dally came to the rescue. She jumped onto Spanky’s back.

Rescue horse forms a special friendship with a dog that is obsessed with riding on her back

Since then, they spend almost all their time together.

Their union creates the perfect publicity for Francesca. When clients stop believing in themselves, she simply shows them her pets, and no one is left with doubts about their own abilities.