Сб. Сен 14th, 2024

Siberian cat Tula walks by herself.

Her owner Cole Clark always calmly let her pet go outside, because she always returned home – even if she was absent for several days.

The cat lives a double life and the truth comes out when her owner finds a paper collar with a note on it

But where her cat is, the woman did not know – at least until the moment when Tula returned home with a note attached to the collar.

“Does this cat have a home? Always at Toby Carvery,” the message said.

The cat lives a double life and the truth comes out when her owner finds a paper collar with a note on it

It turned out that for many years the 11-year-old pet led a double life – living with Cole, but at the same time begging for food at a restaurant.

According to Cole, this fact did not really surprise her, but rather amused her, because Tula would go anywhere, as long as there was food.

The cat lives a double life and the truth comes out when her owner finds a paper collar with a note on it

Having learned the whole truth, the owner went to Toby Carvery to claim her rights to the gluttonous but much loved cat.

The staff was happy to know that Tula has a home.

For many months they believed that they were feeding a street cat, and even tried to catch it, but the cunning one grabbed the shrimp (she loves them the most) and ran away.

The cat lives a double life and the truth comes out when her owner finds a paper collar with a note on it

According to the restaurant staff, the cat usually came for breakfast and lunch, but sometimes dropped in for dinner.

And although a warm bed, good food and a loving family were waiting for her at home, Tula still begged for food from strangers.

The cat lives a double life and the truth comes out when her owner finds a paper collar with a note on it

By the way, this has happened before.

Years ago, the cat owner just as accidentally found out that her fluffy pet was visiting an elderly couple living next door to feed on a paste sandwich.