Ср. Фев 19th, 2025

When the former owner of the dog Duke decided to get rid of him, he simply tied the dog to an abandoned truck that was behind his house and told the neighbors that the dog was sick.

Puppy chained to an old truck without food or water for 10 days is rescued and found a new home

Moreover, he said that it was better not to approach him, because he could infect any person.

The neighbors did not check this information, but simply turned a blind eye to the dog, which was thrown to certain death.

For 10 days, Duke was tied to an old truck, looking for help and compassion in the eyes of passers-by, but people simply turned away from him…

Puppy chained to an old truck without food or water for 10 days is rescued and found a new home

Fortunately, he was noticed by a girl who has a big and kind heart.

She immediately reported him to rescuers from Rudozem Street Dog Rescue.

The founder of this organization, Tony Rowles, immediately went to the scene.

Puppy chained to an old truck without food or water for 10 days is rescued and found a new home

Duke was covered in his feces and flies, which circled around him in anticipation of his imminent demise.

But when he saw Tony, the dog crawled up to him and licked his hand.

The man immediately took the dog to the veterinarian, where the truth turned out – Duke did not have any disease!

Puppy chained to an old truck without food or water for 10 days is rescued and found a new home

And since Tony’s shelter was full, he made the best decision in the world – to take Duke into his home until a new home was found for him.

However, there was another problem – Duke’s broken paws!

Puppy chained to an old truck without food or water for 10 days is rescued and found a new home

An examination by veterinarians and an X-ray showed that somebody broke his paws.

The doctors decided to help Duke and fix his paws!

After several surgeries and a tough recovery, Duke was ready to find a new family and a new home!

Fortunately, there was a woman who fell in love with Duke at first sight.

Puppy chained to an old truck without food or water for 10 days is rescued and found a new home

And although she lived in England, and Duke was in Bulgaria, this did not bother her.

She paid for some of Duke’s medical bills and his flight to England.

This dog seems to be in wonderful hands!