A genetic mutation was the reason why these gorgeous and rare creatures obtained white color.
The mutation is called leucism. It is a recessive condition that causes the change of fur color.
It is close to albinism, but it’s not as extreme. During this type of mutation, an animal doesn’t change the color of his lips or eyes. They remain the same.
In nature, there are less than 13 remaining white lions and 300 of them live in captivity.
What are the chances that four of these very rare, gorgeous creatures were born at the same time?
And it’s no wonder that people fell in love with the photographs when they were posted on social media.
All four adorable cubs turned out to be males. And their health is in excellent condition.
However, white lions are not recognized as separate species. They are not classified as an endangered species, either. Therefore, they are not legally protected.
They are classified as “vulnerable”, which means that they are close to extinction in the future unless trade is strictly restricted.
The White Lion gene must be researched, understood, and safeguarded as quickly as possible.