Ср. Сен 18th, 2024

Some dogs, just like humans, require personal space.

They want to walk, sleep or eat alone. But baby Stanley is not one of them!

Rescued dog refuses to let go of his owner’s hand because he thinks he will be abandoned again

The dog was adopted by Sam Clarence from New Zealand. From the moment they first met, the guy watched as the frightened and timid puppy turned into a “sticky” dog.

In the early days, Stanley was afraid to even let go of his owner’s hand, as if at that moment his happiness and new home would dissolve into thin air.

Sam says that the dog constantly needed contact with the owner. The human touch calmed him down.

Rescued dog refuses to let go of his owner’s hand because he thinks he will be abandoned again

By the way, the pet was very persistent, begging for affection, which caused the guy some inconvenience when he needed to leave.

Sam remembers his first meeting with Stanley. The guy was a volunteer and often came to a shelter nearby to help walk the dogs.

At that time a dog and two six-month-old puppies were found on an abandoned area.

The young man was asked to look after one of the babies.

Rescued dog refuses to let go of his owner’s hand because he thinks he will be abandoned again

For little Stanley, meeting the guy turned out to be a real stress. When Sam brought him home, he was getting out of the car for an hour, cowardly looking around.

The guy immediately bathed the pet, fed him and arranged a comfortable bed in front of the fireplace.

After some time, the puppy began to get used to life in the house, learned to eat and drink from bowls.

Only then did Stanley become close to his adoptive dad.

The baby began to climb into bed with Sam and arrange himself so that he would certainly touch his body.

As soon as Sam moved, the dog immediately changed position to touch him again.

Rescued dog refuses to let go of his owner’s hand because he thinks he will be abandoned again

Even as an adult, the pet has not lost the need to be closer to the owner.

When Sam is in the car, he must be in contact with the pet. Even if he is just watching TV, Stanley is already there – he reaches out his paw to touch him.

Sam had never met such a loving and insistently affectionate dog before. Stanley is happy now!