Ср. Янв 22nd, 2025

Cats are very smart, intelligent, cute creatures, who are also very curious and can be polite, as this stray cat in Mexico.

He is sitting on front of the store door, waiting someone to enter into the store.

Stray cat sitting outside the store is waiting someone entering in to ask to buy treats for him

The next step is to convince the passerby, to buy food for him. It was his daily routine, apparently he found out one day this working trick very occasionally, or somebody bought him once treats, and he expects every day to receive food in this way.

That day the passerby was Tania Sants, who, noticing the white cat in front of the door, petted him for a while.

Stray cat sitting outside the store is waiting someone entering in to ask to buy treats for him

When she wanted to enter into the store, he blocked her way and leaded her to the section, where there were sold treats for cats. Tania bought some treats for the stubborn cat.

The next time, when Tania was going to the store nearby her house, she again saw the same cat sitting in the same place, as if waiting exactly for her. Tania knew already what to do.

Stray cat sitting outside the store is waiting someone entering in to ask to buy treats for him

Then she learned from the store staff about the white clever cat, and found out that he is a stray cat, who learned how to be fed with the help of kind people.

During her next visit to the store, Tania filmed the smart cat, who again followed her asking for some food.

This time she bought many treats for him, as she already decided to bring him to her house.

Stray cat sitting outside the store is waiting someone entering in to ask to buy treats for him

Tania wanted to give him not only food, but a forever sweet home, he needed.

Life on the streets is not that easy, but now the cat has a lovely family with Tania, who adopted him, and her other cat.Tania has changed his life forever, giving him her care, love and warm home.

Watch the short film by Tania here: