Чт. Сен 19th, 2024

A year has passed since the owner of this cat passed away. But since then the devoted animal has not left the grave of her beloved mother.

Grieving cat has been visiting his owner's grave every day for a year and refuses to leave.

A passer-by named Keli from central Java, Indonesia, was the first to hear the mournful meow of a sad cat and even tried to help the cat by taking it home.

But it did not work – the next day the cat returned to his original place.

Grieving cat has been visiting his owner's grave every day for a year and refuses to leave.

Turns out the cat spent a whole year in the cemetery as he can’t come to terms with his loss.

The cat only leaves the grave when his owner’s children take him home to feed him.

“He sleeps there and meows. It’s very sad to see. It shows how close the animals are to their owners,” Keli said.

Grieving cat has been visiting his owner's grave every day for a year and refuses to leave.

Experts say that animals that may not show much affection for their owner, such as cats, actually mourn if their owner suddenly dies.

The cat may become restless and lose interest in the outside world.

Grieving cat has been visiting his owner's grave every day for a year and refuses to leave.

In some severe cases, it is recommended that you contact your veterinarian to obtain sedative medications for the animal.