Сб. Окт 26th, 2024

Nurse Returns Home to Disturbing Discoveries, Calls Police

After a long shift, Lauren, a nurse, returned home expecting peace but found her house eerily rearranged. Her mugs were upside down, and the silverware was meticulously organized. Lauren’s sense of safety was shattered, prompting her to call her husband, Hank, and the police for help.

When Lauren noticed all her mugs turned upside down, she immediately felt something was wrong. Other oddities, like the perfectly arranged silverware and spices, deepened her unease. A note found in the kitchen read, “You’ll thank me later—you needed this,” further unsettling her. Hank urged her to leave, but before she could, Lauren was confronted by her landlady, Mrs. Winslow, who nonchalantly admitted to rearranging the house. “I was just tidying up a bit,” Mrs. Winslow said.

The police were called, and they confirmed previous complaints about Mrs. Winslow’s behavior. Lauren decided not to press charges but warned Mrs. Winslow that she would if it happened again. Hank immediately changed the locks to ensure their family’s safety.