Сб. Окт 19th, 2024

A mother shares her experience using a safety code word that helped her daughter escape a troubling situation during a visit with her father. She had taught her daughter, Amy, the word “blueberries” to use if she ever felt unsafe. During a routine phone call while visiting her father, Amy unexpectedly used the code word. The mother immediately understood something was wrong and rushed to pick up her daughter.

Upon arriving, she discovered that her ex-husband’s new girlfriend, Lisa, had been mistreating Amy when her father wasn’t around. Amy confided that Lisa had been mean to her, saying, “She says I’m annoying and that I shouldn’t be there.” This experience highlights the importance of having a secret code word with loved ones. It gave the mother the ability to protect her daughter when she couldn’t directly voice her concerns. A simple code word can be a critical tool for safety.