Вс. Окт 27th, 2024

Parents-to-be frequently dream about holding their unborn child. When Ohioans Lyndsay and Matthew Brentlinger delivered a pair of twins that were healthy, it undoubtedly seemed like a miracle.

When the Brentlingers were expecting their son William, doctors informed them that he had heart abnormalities and was likely going to be stillborn. But the pair gladly welcomed their son and daughter Reagan into the world on December 17, 2016.

Lyndsay and Matthew were thrilled to be parents. They also understood that William’s time on earth would be short because of his cardiac issues.
The mother said to HuffPost:

“I was ecstatic to see that Will was doing well and that they had finally arrived. I was worried about losing him, though.

A friend of the Brentlingers came up with a plan to capture the treasured moments the family spent together. She made a last-minute call to a local photographer, Lindsey Brown, to set up a photo shoot.
Given how close Christmas came, Brown (of Lindsey Brown Photography) was naturally booked solid. She didn’t hesitate to take her camera to the family’s home, though, considering the circumstances.

Brown remarked to the Huffington Post:

“I knew I had to do this for them right away. Who, if they had a heart, could ever refuse it?

On December 20, Brown worked her magic during the photo shoot for the Brentlinger family.
The lovely twins were snuggled up next to one another as she took shots of them. Some of them depict Baby William as appearing alert.

Lindsey Brown stated to CNN:

I couldn’t believe how beautiful they both looked. Little Reagan slept and seldom opened her eyes, but William seemed to be trying to take it all in, for he was wide awake. That was quite bittersweet the entire time I was there.

Together with family photos, the Brentlingers posed on the couch holding their young children. Every single one will always be cherished.

It is a privilege that Lyndsay and Matthew were able to embrace their son and cherish special moments together as a family of four.