Ср. Фев 19th, 2025

A homeless pregnant dog appeared in the parking lot in front of the store. The animal was clearly sick, it looked people in the eyes, as if begging them to help.

A pregnant dog wandered around the parking lot in desperation, looking into the eyes of passersby.

The history of this dog has been continued. One of the customers drew attention to the dog. Realizing that the animal urgently needed help, and that there were only a few days left before the birth, the woman took him with her.

A pregnant dog wandered around the parking lot in desperation, looking into the eyes of passersby.

For days the dog slept and ate in the new house, then the woman took her to the doctor. The veterinarian did not see any complications, assuring that the dog itself will cope with the birth of offspring. The only problem was the fleas, which greatly disturbed the animal.

A pregnant dog wandered around the parking lot in desperation, looking into the eyes of passersby.

Two days later, in the new house, the dog gave birth to her babies. 15 puppies were born at once.

A pregnant dog wandered around the parking lot in desperation, looking into the eyes of passersby.

Neither the doctor who examined the dog nor the woman who gave her shelter could have imagined that the offspring would be so numerous. The birth took a long time, but the dog did a great job, the babies were also born completely healthy.

A pregnant dog wandered around the parking lot in desperation, looking into the eyes of passersby.

The dog from the first days trusted its new mistress, she was grateful for the help and allowed the woman to touch her babies.

A pregnant dog wandered around the parking lot in desperation, looking into the eyes of passersby.

While mom and puppies live together, but when the kids grow up and become independent, each of them will find a new home.